7-35mm Varifocal Wireless Camera

from $685.00

This camera kit is ideal for monitoring driveways, fuel tanks, doors and long, narrow areas where greater details need to be visible from a greater distance. The kit includes one fixed-position varifocal camera with 7-35mm (5X zoom) that can see up to 250m away (820’) during the day and up to 100m away (328’) at night with its built-in IR night vision. The lens is motorized so you can adjust the zoom/focus at any time from your NVR or phone. It’s fully outdoor rated (IP67), water and dust resistant and it can withstand temperatures from -40°C (-40°F) to +60°C (+140°F). It will have no problem surviving the harsh Canadian climate. Can be upgraded with more cameras. Add a recording function and use this system to protect your yard for just $150 (1TB HDD) or $220 (2TB HDD).

Full Kit - Includes everything you need to set up the system. Comes with both house side and camera side equipment.

Add on Kit - Includes what you need to add this camera to an existing system. Comes with just the camera side equipment.

Multi Kit - Includes only the camera and necessary power supplies, cables, and mounting hardware. Allows you to hook it up to an open port on an existing Wi-Fi bridge.

Camera Only - Includes only the camera without power supplies, cables or mounting hardware.

IMPORTANT! If you are adding cameras to an older system that uses EnGenius Bridges, please add this Item to your order.

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